AlfaReader - lightweight and fast ebook reader

Ideal for reading illustrated fiction books, magazines, textbooks, medical, scientific, technical books, illustrated books for kids.


(Setup file size: 20 Mb)
Note: It works on Windows 7/8/10/11

Read books and magazines on your desktop

Read books and magazines on your desktop
AlfaReader allows to read PDF, EPUB, MOBI, FB2, CBR, CBZ, DJVU, HTML and TXT books and magazines. You can select between multiple e-reading templates, customize reader view and zoom font size. The program automatically remembers the last page for each book. You can easily navigate a book using Table of Contents, progress bar, create highlighted bookmarks and add comments to them, search inside book text.

Listen to audio-books

AlfaReader is the only reading app that not only allows to read ebooks but also listen to audiobooks. It contains easy-to-use and functional audio-player that supports most popular audiobook formats MB4 and MP3. The player allows to play either single-file books or multiple-file books. Thanks to the sort options you can arrange files in the right order. The player automatically remembers the place where you finished listening.
Listen to audio-books

Create a beautiful virtual bookshelf

Create a beautiful virtual bookshelf
When you add a new book to AlfaReader or open it from Windows folder, it appears on the virtual bookshelf, that shows the list of the books that you currently read or work with. Google-style search allows to quickly find the needed book. If you want to manage the bigger ebook library, you can install our book management software Alfa eBooks Manager. It integrates with AlfaReader and provides sophisticated set of tools.

Download books from OPDS catalogs

OPDS (Open Publication Distribution System) format is a syndication format for electronic publications based on Atom and HTTP. Public OPDS Catalogs enable discovery and acquisition of electronic books. There are hundreds of OPDS catalogs on the Web. AlfaReader contains built-in OPDS client that allows easily add books from public OPDS Catalogs to your library and download electronic books.
Download books from OPDS catalogs

Extract Knowledge

Usually we read books on the desktop not just for fun but in order to get some new knowledge. That is why Alfareader provides tools to save and manage knowledge-blocks. You can easily highlight text and save the citate to Highlights panel. You can also add own comments to these citates. Besides, Alfareader has a separate section where you can read and manage highlighted notes from all your books.
Highlight books


What are the system requirements?

AlfaReader works on Windows 7/8/10/11 and requires .Net Framework 4.6 and Microsoft Edge WebView2 installed. If you don't have WebView2, the program will help you to install it.

What ebook fomats are supported?

Currently AlfaReader supports PDF, EPUB, MOBI, FB2, CBZ, CBR, DJVU, TXT, MP3, MB4.

How to add a book to AlfaReader?

To add a new book click on the left-top icon and select Add Book. You can also drag a book or folder to AlfaReader window.

How to add multiple-file audio-book?

Drag the folder with audio-files to Alfareader.

How to delete a book from AlfaReader?

To delete a book - drag it to the top of the window (like in Android).

How to open ebook files from Windows folder in AlfaReader?

To associate book formats with AlfaReader - open program Options and check the boxes near the ebook formats you want to open in AlfaReader. If Windows doesn't associate ebooks with Alfareader automatically, than right click on a book, select Open With -> Other program -> check "Always open" -> Select Alfareader

Where book data is stored?

Bookmarks, covers and other book data is stored in folder Documents/AlfaReader.

How to add a highligted bookmark?

Select needed text and in the popup box - click on the Pencil icon. You can also select the highlighting color.

Why I can find text in a book?

Maybe you search in image-based PDF book, where text is not searchable. In the text books the limitation is that you can search only for a whole word.

What is "Use Book Styles" option?

Some books rely on individual text formatting and can't be well customized by reader's view settings. This option allows to apply these styles to a book.



Read books
Add bookmarks
Customize reading templates
Listen to Audiobooks
OPDS client

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Alfa eBooks Manager

Create book library
Edit ebook metadata
Ebook Converter
Web update
Integrated AlfaReader

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